Once upon a time...
a boy and a girl met in a far, far away northern town and fell in love. They dated, married and built a wonderful life together. They were blessed with many friends, a beautiful home, and a wonderful daughter that they love very much. Life in that northern town was good. Then life began to change, as life is inclined to do. The daughter grew up and moved to build a life of her own. And work moved in to fill the gap...too much work. Over time, all the possessions and 'things' that were so important began to look different...somehow unnecessary. The boy and girl (not so much kids anymore!) began to dream a dream of a new life. Their dream included long, lazy days in the warm tropical sun. Days to contemplate the meaning of life...the origins of the universe...and to never have to shovel snow again!! Although neither the boy or girl could pinpoint the exact moment, the decision was made and the dream became a plan. Lots of work and a few tears later and life in that small northern town was packed up. The sad farewells were said and they hit the road....to build a new life in Belize.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?